Pacific Piecemakers Quilt Guild
General Meeting
January 18, 2008

Meeting called to order at 1:00 by Carol Tackett, standing in for President Marilyn Limbaugh.

Seventeen members were present.

Treasurer Kalynn Oleson reported that all classes and lectures have been paid for and that we are "$600 to the good." She urged members to start making items for Festival of the Trees.

The 2008 slate of officers was presented and will be published on the website. Barbara Dunsmoor, President; Jan Carter, V.President; Marilyn Limbaugh, Past President; Treasurer, Kalynn Oleson; Karen Shanower, Secretary.

Jeri moved and Bette seconded that the slate be approved. Unanimous.

Quilts of Valor: On January 30 approximately 23 quilts will be delivered to the vet hospital in Palo Alto.

Newsletter: Deadline in Jan. 24. Items go to Jeri Taylor.

Challenge: Anna Hines passed out enrollment forms which give the rules for the Challenge Event. A sign up to bring finger food for the Opening was passed around. The Poetry Group will share the evening with PPQG: we will set up, they will take down.

Comfort Quilts: Polly said that more adult quilts are needed.

Membership: There are still 36 members who have not paid their dues.

It was suggested that when emailing PPQG members, we put PPQG somewhere on the subject line.

Meeting adjourned at 1:35.

Submitted by Bette Covington, Secretary