President Jan Carter called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
Treasurer: Kalynn reported a balance of $21,619.47
Festival of the Trees: Sylvia feels we have many nice items for sale. She passed around a sign-up sheet for people to work at the festival. Several people showed items they’ve made for the Festival.
Challenge Show: Karen pointed out that entry forms are in the lobby, and reminded us that she will coordinate the “Ultimate Challenge” aspect if enough people show an interest.
Comfort Quilts: Polly Dakin said we had given six out in November and would give at lest five in December. We still need “feminine” quilts.
Quilts of Valor: Marilyn said, “please make them.”
Holiday Luncheon: Carol reminded us that it will be held December 11 and that details are in the newsletter. She is still on the hunt for games.
Retreat: Anita pointed out that after December 8 one can get only $50 back from their deposit. After January 8, none will be refundable. Rooms are refundable up to 48 hours before the retreat.
Membership: Gail pointed out that dues are now payable, the sum holding steady at $40.00. Kalynn will collect checks at the December luncheon.
Name Tag Raffle: it was won by Mirka Knaster.
Miscellaneous: Gail Spencer asks that we bring cameras and take pictures, particularly at the holiday luncheon. Barbara Dunsmoor thanks everyone who made blocks for her president’s quilt.
Show and Tell: a number of quilters demonstrated their skills with an array of beautiful quilts.
Kalynn then introduced the speaker, Marjan Kluepfel.