Pacific Piecemakers Quilt Guild
Gualala Arts Building
April 16, 2010
President Joyce Gaudet called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.
Minutes of last meeting before membership, Gail Spencer moved to accept minutes. Carol Tackett seconded motion, minutes approved.
Treasurer's Report: Kalynn Oleson
Total in account $12,838.54
Committee Reports:
1. Program: Lola Delongoria, next month Borders, Borders
2. Membership: gail Spencer, 98 members
3. Hospitality: Sylvia Keller, need cookies for meetings, please volunteer
4. Challenge: Carol Tackett and Kalynn Oleson, handed out ballots for
Challenge Theme
5. Comfort Quilt: Polly Dakin, Carla, Kalynn, Diane and Sue made quilts
6. Quilts of Valor: Marilyn Limbaugh and Carol will deliver on May 18. They
have 12.
7. Name tag drawing: Elizabeth Langdon won.
New Business: Lola Delongoria introduced neighbor Barbara, who then introduced her son Mike Town from Stanford Children's Hospital Life Services. He would like us to take on the project to make bags (in 3 sizes) for pre-surgery pre-procedure patients for hand-outs and welcome gifts. Kit with instructions.
Show and Tell: Soroptomist Quilt by Joyce, Laura and Lola (their special project), Claire McPherson, coat made in Rachel Clark's class at Asilomar long ago. Diane Cunningham quilt for Tammy.
Joyce introduced our speaker and teacher (last two days), Rachel Clark and her Trunk Show of Coats.
Minutes submitted by Polly Dakin