Pacific Piecemakers Quilt Guild

Bits & Pieces, February 2002, Volume 7, Issue 2

Jeri Taylor, Editor


                              GUILD GLIMMERS

                                  by Paula Osborne

            Comfort Quilt Workshop Warms Winter Weekend!

            Our January  guild meeting was held amid an array of fabric, batting, yarn, sewing machines, and emerging  creations that will warm many hearts. Once again a strong contingent of  PPQG members brought talent and energy to the task of sewing up dozens more quilts-in-progress, large and small. A beautiful and moving “thank you” from the Sheriff of Sonoma County for the 22 quilts we gave them in December, reminded us of just how special comfort quilts are to their needy recipients. Thanks to all comfort-quilters!

            Be sure to bring your finished quilts for Show and Tell—they continue to delight and inspire us all. Remember, matching pillows are often requested, and are easy to make and fill, using the puffy batting that is stored in the upstairs classroom closet with the rest of our donated fabrics and yarns.

            We have only a few quilts left to give away; so even if you missed the workshop, we hope you’ll help replenish our supply. You don’t have to wait for another workshop to start another comfort quilt!



                    FROM THE PRESIDENT by Janet Sears

            One of our goals for the past year was to increase the number of quilts brought to our monthly meetings for show and tell. Thanks to every one of you who brought something, we certainly succeeded. We made the rounds of quilt groups, with each group taking a turn sometime during the year. I believe we covered every group. Now February is “catch-up month.”  If you missed the meeting when your group shared, bring something in February. If you have recently finished something you’d like to share, bring it in February. If you don’t belong to any of the weekly groups, we’d love to see what you’ve been working on. Bring it in February. Also, there were some wonderful new comfort quilts started at the January meetings. Let’s see how many completed comfort quilts we can show at the February meeting!



            Explore your adventuresome spirit by joining in for the 4th annual Pacific Piecemakers Progressive Quilt Adventure. The journey begins in February. All levels of quilt makers are welcome and encouraged to begin the journey.

            The progressive quilt starts with a center block submitted by each participant. It is then passed anonymously (according to a pre-planned rotation) to the second person, who adds to the center following certain guidelines; then this piece is passed on to the third person the following month. The originator receives the top back to finish (quilt, bind, etc.) at the end of the rotations in June.

            If you decide to join the adventure, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to get your quilt to ALL the meetings. Someone will be expecting to receive it.

            At the February meeting, submit your center block (ideally between 12 inches and 20 inches, square or rectangular shape) is a small brown paper bag with your name clearly written on the bag. “Cheater” cloth may be used ONLY as the original block. You may submit a new block, old block, appliqué — anything goes!

            For more information call Naida Mauthe, 884-4736, or Carol Tackett, 785-1024.






Unless you come to Angie Woolman’s workshop, “Color Me Green.”  You won’t believe what magic she can weave with just one color! Using various shades of green, participants will make a patchwork called “Snail’s Trail” that is truly spectacular.

Ms. Woolman is a celebrated quilter and teacher. She has shown in numerous juried shows and teaches at New Pieces fabric store in Berkeley – a place dear to the hearts of many of us!

  The workshop is on February 16 from 9:30 – 3:30 at Gualala Arts. Call Connie Seale at 785-3545 to sign up and get a list of materials.

            Our regular monthly meeting will be on Friday, February 15, gathering at 12:30 for socializing and business beginning at 1:00. Ms. Woolman will give a lecture entitled “Off the Bed and Onto the Wall.”  Sounds intriguing!




Judy Sisneros will make a repeat visit to teach a workshop on nine patch landscape. This gifted quilter/teacher is one of the best art quilters around, and you won’t want to miss the opportunity to learn how to design your own unique landscape quilts! Our business meeting in March will feature a slide show from the Association of Pacific Northwest Quilters titled “The Elements:  Earth, Wind, Fire and Chocolate Exhibition.”




            If you’ve paid your 2002 membership dues, thank you. If you have received a pre-addressed envelope in your newsletter you have not yet paid and we thank you for taking care of it asap. The 2002 roster will be printed shortly. Be sure to have your name on the only list that counts in Mendonoma.

            Don’t make us publish your names in March!


                       NEW GUILD OFFICERS

The following slate is the result of the nominating committee’s search for a PPQG  Steering Committee for the March 2002-March 2003 operating year. We are lucky to have among our membership talented and willing volunteers who succeed each year in keeping our Guild vibrant. Thank you to this long list of wonderful people!

PRESIDENT:  Paula Osborne

VICE PRESIDENT:  Linda Warnock

SECRETARY:  Jenny Rexon

TREASURER:  Bev Sloane

PROGRAMS:  Anita Kaplan, Connie Seale, Colleen Jackman

NEWSLETTER:  Claire McCarthy, Jackie Morse, Jeri Taylor

MAILING:  Katy Horn, Pam Wilson




PUBLICITY:   Kathye Hitt


COMFORT QUILTS:  Jo Dillon, Elizabeth Beckett

CHALLENGE SHOW, 2002:  Annie Beckett, Judith Jones

ART IN THE REDWOODS BOOTH:  Donna Blum, Joyce Gaudet, Jolley Thomas, Pam Wilson

ART IN THE REDWOODS QUILT:  Miriam Littlejohn, Pam Wilson, Carol Tackett

FANNY BASKET:  Nita Green, Susan Prukop

HOSPITALITY:  Joyce Gaudet, Francis Buentjen, Lola DeLongoria

NAMETAG RAFFLE:  Mary Alice Bastion

BLOCK OF THE MONTH:  Mary Austin, Connie Seale, Carol Tackett

PROGRESSIVE QUILT:  Naida Mauthe, Carol Tackett

HISTORIAN:  Unfilled! Any volunteers?


            QUILTING SAFARI!

            This year’s June meeting has morphed into an overnight QUILTING SAFARI. We are traveling to San Jose for an exploration of the San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles. In addition, we will view quilts in public places by famous quilters, and have special discounts in two terrific quilt shops.       Ladies, mark your calendars and hang onto your hats! There are many other treats in store during this safari, including delicious restaurants within walking distance, and bead and books stores. The dates to reserve are JUNE 24—25. NOTE: THESE DATES ARE DIFFERENT FROM WHAT WAS ANNOUNCED AT THE MEETING! We will carpool, and rooms will be reserved in advance at a preselected motel. Please hold your place by notifying Anita Kaplan (785-3671, or of your desire to join the excitement. More information will follow.

            A complete list of programs through 2002 will be published in the March newsletter and on the Pacific Piecemakers website.



            If there’s any doubt in anyone’s mind that Comfort Quilts are “the best thing we do,” please read this letter from the Sheriff of Sonoma County, Jim Piccinini:

            “Thank you for the delivery of quilts made today to the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Department. As soon as Sergeant Greg Contos of our Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Unit (DVSA) heard the quilts had arrived at our main office, he came right over to pick them up. They were anxious to have them available to give to their young victims.

            Unfortunately, the youngsters who come into contact with our DVSA Unit are the victims of family violence and dysfunction. This results in an extremely frightened and insecure youngster. Your group’s quilts truly provide the children with a sense of comfort. The security the quilts provide is very much appreciated by law enforcement as well. It is gratifying to us to be able to provide a youngster going through a difficult time with something tangible that provides them comfort.

            I can’t express my appreciation enough to your guild. The quilts are beautiful and convey the dedication of time and love that went into their construction.

            Please express the gratitude of our entire Department for your group’s incredible work.”


            Our Comfort Quilt coffers are depleted. January’s workshop will provide a good number, but the need is ongoing. On these long winter nights, why not stitch up a quilt or two and contribute to the cause? You’ll be glad you did!



            We’re assuming everyone’s finished her challenge quilt. What? No? But you’re well along, right? Okay, even if you’re just starting, there’s still time. We’re accepting your beautiful reflections on “The Nature of Things:  Quilts Inspired by the Natural World” on March 21. Hanging on the 22nd. Go, quilt artists, go!

                                                Annie Beckett


Joan Hummel—6th

Jolley Thomas—12th

Mary E. Long—22nd


                              WELCOME NEW MEMBER!

Cynthia Chilton, 785-1943, P.O. Box 612, Gualala 95445, birthday September 20.  Our ranks are swelling!